Saturday, 26 December 2020

When you Trap a Tiger- Book review

This is my book report for the Summer Reading Challenge on 'When you Trap a Tiger'. I chose this book because it was one of the books from the Hokitika library, and it was new to me. It was also Korean-based. The book was sad to me in the end, and I cried a little. One of the things I really liked about the book was how relatable it was, and the Halmoni in the book is so like mine (-;. I will definitely read this book again and will recommend it to as many people as I can. 

My favorite bit was reading the book and seeing other people's opinions about it. It got a 4.2/5 on Goodreads. The hardest bit was writing why I liked the book in a non-cheesy or 'me' kind-of sentence. To be BTB, I could have added a bit more about the book and the Author, Tae Keller.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Pigpen Cipher Slide (SLJ)

This is my pigpen cipher slide. I had to learn the code, then decipher the clue to the cave. After all that, I didn't know where the lion rock was, so I had to search for what it was. After I was totally sure I knew the code, I had to make my own clue to my favorite beach. I love this beach because I love swimming and playing in the river by it. Comment what you think the beach is.

The hardest bit was drawing the letters because I had to use a special drawing tool on the slide. My favorite bit was looking at my favorite beaches because they were all so much more pretty in photos than in real life. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have added more information on the beach.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Which doesn't Belong? (SLJ)

This is my slide for 'Which doesn't belong?' SLJ. I had to think of reasons why the pictures didn't belong with the others/ were different from the others. You didn't only have to do one reason, you could do multiple because since they were all different pictures, they were all different. 

My favorite part was finding the donuts, and I got very hungry at the end. The hardest part was doing the reasons for the spaceship/fighter slide because they were all similar except for the colors. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have added more reasons to the slides.

My Summer Haiku (SLJ) ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐ŸŒ…

This is my summer haiku for the SLJ 2020. I wasn't sure if this was the activity I was supposed to do, but I did it anyway. It was cool looking at the other summer haikus because they gave me some ideas. 

My favorite part was making the haiku because it was oddly satisfying when I made the sentences have the correct amount of syllables. The hardest part was actually making the haiku because I kept doing the wrong sentence or things like that. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have made another haiku or made this one more interesting. 

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Summer Patterns

This is my 3rd Summer Learning Journey activity. I had to do the things that the summer learning journey site said. 

My pattern represents the waves and ocean. I was going to do a fern pattern, but it turned out to be terrible. To me, when I think of NZ summer, I think of barbeques, beaches, Christmas, and my birthday. My favorite thing about summer is swimming in the sea and in our school pool. 

The hardest bit was making the background for the waves. Since I did it on Kleki, I made the background on a different layer so that the blue was behind the black. I wanted it to be a bit more gradient, but it didn't really work. My favorite part was looking at Maori wave patterns. To be BTB, I could have added more waves.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

NZ's Most Beautiful Town of 2020❤️๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ❤️2O2O

This is my News activity for the week. I had to do a quiz, then choose one of the answers to do. I chose the "NZ's Most Beautiful Town/Small City of 2020'". 

It was really hard to get information about the town because the net didn't give that much. If you live in this town, then feel free to give some info about it. My favorite part was researching because I like learning new things about places that I have never been to. To be BTB, I could have added more questions to the quiz.

Fishy False Teeth

This is my first proper activity for the Summer Learning Journey. I'm really excited about the activities because they look really interesting. This activity was based on a real event in the Netherlands.

It was hard to make sense of the story at first because I got the characters and their roles mixed up. After I read the story a few times, it became easier to understand. The most fun part was doing the comic. It was funny to watch the video as well because it was different from the article, but based on it. To be BTB, I could have added more detail to the slides.

Friday, 11 December 2020


This is my Antarctica slide that tells you all about Antarctica. It was for maths/literacy because I had to research the coldest and the hottest countries, and people debated if Antarctica was a country or not.

It was hard to do lots of research because it took ages. My favorite part was making the flag because I go to use Kleki. To be BTB, I could have added more information.

My Colouring Book Activity

This is my first activity for the Summer Learning Journey. I first did her with black hair and a red and green kimono because I was listening to Santa, Tell Me, and other Christmas songs while my classmates were singing and dancing along (not very well). Then, because my favorite color is purple, I changed it. I don't really like the background because it doesn't look very natural. 

I think my favorite part was coloring because I like art and mucking around. The hardest part was doing the flowers because they were all separate. To be BTB, I could have searched up color schemes and then used them, but I had a limited amount of colors I could use.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

How to play Shark Attack!

This is my video on how to play Shark Attack. Shark Attack is a fun game that is a bit like Farmer Farmer, Run Chicken Run, and Seaweed Tag. I didn't want to talk in my video, so I just used words. I also didn't want any people because trying to record was hard. In the end, all I used was WeVideo, and some of my previous videos. To be BTB, I could have made it a bit more interesting. I added a bit of a quirk at the end, but when I actually made the video, it wasn't near Christmas, so in the end, I just postponed the video. 
I hope you learned how to play Shark Attack, and have a very merry Christmas!