Saturday, 26 December 2020

When you Trap a Tiger- Book review

This is my book report for the Summer Reading Challenge on 'When you Trap a Tiger'. I chose this book because it was one of the books from the Hokitika library, and it was new to me. It was also Korean-based. The book was sad to me in the end, and I cried a little. One of the things I really liked about the book was how relatable it was, and the Halmoni in the book is so like mine (-;. I will definitely read this book again and will recommend it to as many people as I can. 

My favorite bit was reading the book and seeing other people's opinions about it. It got a 4.2/5 on Goodreads. The hardest bit was writing why I liked the book in a non-cheesy or 'me' kind-of sentence. To be BTB, I could have added a bit more about the book and the Author, Tae Keller.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Pigpen Cipher Slide (SLJ)

This is my pigpen cipher slide. I had to learn the code, then decipher the clue to the cave. After all that, I didn't know where the lion rock was, so I had to search for what it was. After I was totally sure I knew the code, I had to make my own clue to my favorite beach. I love this beach because I love swimming and playing in the river by it. Comment what you think the beach is.

The hardest bit was drawing the letters because I had to use a special drawing tool on the slide. My favorite bit was looking at my favorite beaches because they were all so much more pretty in photos than in real life. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have added more information on the beach.

Monday, 21 December 2020

Which doesn't Belong? (SLJ)

This is my slide for 'Which doesn't belong?' SLJ. I had to think of reasons why the pictures didn't belong with the others/ were different from the others. You didn't only have to do one reason, you could do multiple because since they were all different pictures, they were all different. 

My favorite part was finding the donuts, and I got very hungry at the end. The hardest part was doing the reasons for the spaceship/fighter slide because they were all similar except for the colors. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have added more reasons to the slides.

My Summer Haiku (SLJ) ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐ŸŒ…

This is my summer haiku for the SLJ 2020. I wasn't sure if this was the activity I was supposed to do, but I did it anyway. It was cool looking at the other summer haikus because they gave me some ideas. 

My favorite part was making the haiku because it was oddly satisfying when I made the sentences have the correct amount of syllables. The hardest part was actually making the haiku because I kept doing the wrong sentence or things like that. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have made another haiku or made this one more interesting. 

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Summer Patterns

This is my 3rd Summer Learning Journey activity. I had to do the things that the summer learning journey site said. 

My pattern represents the waves and ocean. I was going to do a fern pattern, but it turned out to be terrible. To me, when I think of NZ summer, I think of barbeques, beaches, Christmas, and my birthday. My favorite thing about summer is swimming in the sea and in our school pool. 

The hardest bit was making the background for the waves. Since I did it on Kleki, I made the background on a different layer so that the blue was behind the black. I wanted it to be a bit more gradient, but it didn't really work. My favorite part was looking at Maori wave patterns. To be BTB, I could have added more waves.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

NZ's Most Beautiful Town of 2020❤️๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ❤️2O2O

This is my News activity for the week. I had to do a quiz, then choose one of the answers to do. I chose the "NZ's Most Beautiful Town/Small City of 2020'". 

It was really hard to get information about the town because the net didn't give that much. If you live in this town, then feel free to give some info about it. My favorite part was researching because I like learning new things about places that I have never been to. To be BTB, I could have added more questions to the quiz.

Fishy False Teeth

This is my first proper activity for the Summer Learning Journey. I'm really excited about the activities because they look really interesting. This activity was based on a real event in the Netherlands.

It was hard to make sense of the story at first because I got the characters and their roles mixed up. After I read the story a few times, it became easier to understand. The most fun part was doing the comic. It was funny to watch the video as well because it was different from the article, but based on it. To be BTB, I could have added more detail to the slides.

Friday, 11 December 2020


This is my Antarctica slide that tells you all about Antarctica. It was for maths/literacy because I had to research the coldest and the hottest countries, and people debated if Antarctica was a country or not.

It was hard to do lots of research because it took ages. My favorite part was making the flag because I go to use Kleki. To be BTB, I could have added more information.

My Colouring Book Activity

This is my first activity for the Summer Learning Journey. I first did her with black hair and a red and green kimono because I was listening to Santa, Tell Me, and other Christmas songs while my classmates were singing and dancing along (not very well). Then, because my favorite color is purple, I changed it. I don't really like the background because it doesn't look very natural. 

I think my favorite part was coloring because I like art and mucking around. The hardest part was doing the flowers because they were all separate. To be BTB, I could have searched up color schemes and then used them, but I had a limited amount of colors I could use.

Saturday, 5 December 2020

How to play Shark Attack!

This is my video on how to play Shark Attack. Shark Attack is a fun game that is a bit like Farmer Farmer, Run Chicken Run, and Seaweed Tag. I didn't want to talk in my video, so I just used words. I also didn't want any people because trying to record was hard. In the end, all I used was WeVideo, and some of my previous videos. To be BTB, I could have made it a bit more interesting. I added a bit of a quirk at the end, but when I actually made the video, it wasn't near Christmas, so in the end, I just postponed the video. 
I hope you learned how to play Shark Attack, and have a very merry Christmas!



Friday, 27 November 2020

My street art

This is my street-art activity. I could make a song or piece of at with a message. I chose to do something about global warming. I did it on Kleki, a digital art app. It was really hard because I did it in a rush, so I forgot about the layers, and the colours of pages, etc. 
My favorite part was doing the penguins, but it was also one of the hardest parts because of the eyes and beaks. The hardest part was filling in the water because I made a layer the wrong color, so I couldn't color in the layer behind the one with the white (annoying art difficulties). To be BTB, I could have taken a little more care.

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Banksy Artist Profile

This is my artist profile on Banksy. It was my 4th task for T-shaped literacy. I had to research him and transfer the information into an artist's profile.

My favorite part was looking at some of his artworks. The shredded 'Balloon Girl' is probably my favorite. The hardest part was adding more detail and information. If I could add one more thing, it would probably be added more about his personal life. To be BTB, I could have added more information.

Banksy Artist Profile

Banksy is the famous multi-millionaire street-artist who chooses to hide his real identity. People are still trying to figure out who he really is. Bansky started spray-painting walls in Bristol, 1990. Some of his most famous pieces sell for millions. The most famous artwork was painted in 2002, Girl with a Balloon. This painting depicts a girl with a red heart-shaped balloon. Whether you see the girl as losing the balloon, or about to catch it, the meaning can be interpreted as a loss of innocence or the arrival of new hope and love. This painting sold for 1.37 million dollars. 

Many people think that Banksy's real name is Robin Gunningham, born in Yate, 19 km from Bristol, but other people are not so sure. Banksy’s identity is still mainly a mystery to the world. Banksy’s paintings are a symbol of hope and emotions, but also of what is wrong with the world. His work should bring comfort to the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable. Banksy’s paintings are normally spray-painted and stenciled.  

Banksy is an artist, not a graffitist.

Who Is Banksy? Banksy's Real Identity Has Been Revealed By Science
Why Banksy's Girl with Balloon painting could be worth more shredded than  intact |

Monday, 23 November 2020

Graffiti- Street art or crime?

This is my task for what my opinions are on graffiti and the men that were arrested. I found this activity really hard but I'm not sure why. I think the hardest part was to explain my thought about graffiti. My favorite part was looking at pictures of Graffiti vs. Street-art. To be BTB, I could have added more about my thoughts and opinions about graffiti.

Here is the link to the site that I used-->

Task 2: Graffiti- Street art or crime? Read the article and then write a blog post about your thoughts on the topic. What do you think of Graffiti? Do you think those men should/shouldn’t have been arrested?

The difference between street-art and graffiti is that street-art is normally pictures, and normally has permission, whereas graffiti is normally words, and is messier. 

Many people think that graffiti is vandalism, but I think it depends on what the graffiti is. 

Graffiti vs. Street Art

Graffiti                            vs                     Street-art

Some graffiti looks like street-art. It sends a message and is a picture. This type of graffiti is what most people like. This also goes the other way. Some street-art looks like graffiti, so people don’t like it as much.

I think the men should have been arrested, but not for such a long time. I think that they should have asked for permission. They are such good artists that people would probably want to hire them for their art. They should respect the areas that people don’t want them to paint, but then again, that was the point; to make people notice their art. 

I think that they should get maybe a week in jail as a warning, then if they violate the rules again, they have a bigger punishment. 

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Street Art in Christchurch

These are my questions and answers for our T-Shaped literacy article. For T-shaped literacy, we are reading and learning about street art. We were looking at an article about Christchurch street art. I learnt that after the earthquake, people wanted to fill in the gaps in their city and make it a more beautiful place to be. People painted to bring joy, and they also painted to emphasize how much everyone lost.

I enjoyed looking at the art because they were all so cool and they all had different stories behind them. The hardest part was answering so of the questions, because the article doesn't tell you exactly what the answer is. I had to bend the answers a little. To be BTB, (Better Than Before), I could have written more, and made it less confusing. I also could have added the article.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

About Toi Moko, Maori Mummified Heads

This is my slide about the Toi Moko. We did the weekly quiz about what had been on the news recently. One of the questions was "What is New Zealand Billionaire Gabe Newell doing?". The options were 'Building a game park in Aukland,' 'Sending a gnome into space,' and 'Buying an island in Hawaii'. Guess what the answer was? Sending a gnome into space, and my group guessed it correct! 

My favorite part was doing the quiz. We were in our house color groups, and my house color, (Green), won the quiz with 14 points out of 20. The hardest part was making the slide creative and eyecatching, because a slide of mummified, tattooed heads is not pretty. To be BTB, I could have included all of the macrons on all the Maori words that needed them.  

Thursday, 5 November 2020

What Happened to the Reefs?❇️๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

This is my activity about the coral reefs in Australia dying. It was in the news quiz that we did, and this was the activity that we all had to do. I worked with Emma to make the drawing. We got some pictures of really cool corals, but they weren't in the Great Barrier Reef sadly.

My favorite part was looking for corals and their names because some corals looked really cool and had really confusing names. It was hard to fit everything into the google drawing. I had to make it bigger twice. To be BTB, I could have added more information about the corals.

Monday, 2 November 2020

How to play Shark Attack

For writing, we are writing how to play a game/sport. I chose Shark Attack because no-one else knows how to play it. 

It was hard to check that I had everything because I already knew how to play. I checked my work with four people before I blogged it. My favorite part was explaining how to play. To be BTB, I could have added more tips and tricks.

How to play Shark Attack.

Introduction: Shark Attack is a good game to play at school because it includes everyone and you can never have too many people. 

Amount of people for a netball court: 15 or more

Roles: 2 Sharks (Taggers), 2 Dolphins (Freers), Fish (People running across), and Seaweed (People that are tagged).

What to do: Everyone stands on one side of the netball court. A teacher or person that isn't playing chooses the Sharks, and they go to the middle of the court and close their eyes. Then the teacher/person chooses 2 Dolphins. You want to keep the dolphin's identities a secret otherwise the sharks will target them. Once all that is done, the sharks yell "Shark Attack!" and all the people on the side of the court (Fish) including the dolphins run across to the other side. The sharks try to tag the fish/dolphins before they get to the other side. If the fish/dolphins get tagged, they stand still on one spot and become seaweed. The seaweed can tag people but only on one spot. If you get tagged by seaweed, you become seaweed. Then, the sharks call 'Shark Attack!" again, and the fish/dolphins run across again. This time, the dolphins try and free the seaweed. The seaweed can't tag the dolphins. If you get freed by the dolphins, you join the fish and run across to the other side. If the dolphins get tagged, they can't free anyone (including themselves), but can get freed by fellow dolphins. The game only ends when everyone including the dolphins are tagged, and you can start another round, with the dolphins being in.

Tips and Tricks: Try to group around the seaweed with the dolphins so the taggers can't see who the dolphin/s is/are. If you are seaweed, don't yell out the dolphin's name. The taggers will try and target them.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

How to be a good Sportsman

This is one of my activities for Sportsmanship. I had to create a 'How-to' guide about how to be a good sportsman. 

My favorite part was thinking of scenarios and things you can do instead of being a bad sportsman. The hardest part was coming up with the last two things (I had a bit of help from google). To be BTB, I could have added more things about how to be a good sportsman.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Alfred Nobel DLO

This is my interactive DLO (Digital Learning Object) about Alfred Nobel. We did a quiz about what had been on the news recently and the question about him was 'What did Alfred Nobel invent that made him famous?' and the answer was dynamite. After we finished the quiz, the teacher said that we had to make an interactive DLO about Nobel. We could make a video, a slide, or any of those other things. I chose to make a slide with links to each thing. We only had two blocks to finish this activity. If we made the best project/caption we got house-points.

My favorite part was finding out the fun facts because some of them were funny. I didn't have enough space for all of them though. The hardest part was getting it all done it time, so I may have made a spelling mistake. To be BTB (Better Than Before), I could have added more to the slide.


Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Why Saltwater Creek is special to our community

This is the explanation writhing we had to do about a special place in our community. I chose Saltwater Creek because I like going there to swim and boogie board in the summer. There is a mudslide and a swing in the swimming hole.
My favorite part was writing about the swimming hole. The hardest part was to write about the things I hadn't already written down. To be BTB, I could have made my paragraphs longer.

Saltwater Creek is a small calm creek that runs past Paroa pub. It is enjoyed by many people, whether they swim in it or fish in it. It provides a home to lots of creatures, and dinner to many people. 

Saltwater Creek is a special place in our community because it brings people and nature together. People come from around our community to swim, play, relax, or just be together. It provides shelter and food for many an animal, and also many a human. It is the perfect place to get inspiration for art, swim with your friends, or just relax and get some fresh air. The stream runs through many properties, and under many bridges. It connects wildlife, beauty, and nature to our community. 

There is a small swimming hole that has been created by the creek. You can access it from a small bush track that connects to a bridge on Rutherglen road. You can relax on the shore, or swim with family and friends in the small pool. It connects people together. Say you were in the pool, and some other people arrived; you would make new friends. Thus, the creek connects our community together. 

Many fish and insects rely on the creek for food and shelter. Humans eat fish, fish eat insects, insects eat algae, and the algae grows on the rocks in the creek; thus creating a food chain that has been started by the creek. Children come to the creek to explore nature and interact with animals. They fish and swim with friends. Sometimes, families get together on the shore. Saltwater creek connects families and friends together. Some people would be very sad if it was destroyed, and not only people. Animals rely on the creek as well for food and shelter. 

This is why Saltwater creek is special to our community, and also to the environment.

Venn diagram for sportsmanship

This is my venn-diagram about sportsmanship. We had to read and compare two different situations that had different displays of sportsmanship. The first text was about a display of bad sportsmanship from Novak Djokovic in tennis. This is the link to the texttext a. The other text was about a man who was running a marathon that stopped for a rival that had gone the wrong way. He showed good sportsmanship and integrity.

I liked reading the texts because they were very different. It was hard to think of similarities at first, but then I got more ideas. To be BTB I could have written down more ideas

Friday, 16 October 2020

Sportsmanship scenarios

This is my sportsmanship drawing. We are working on good sportsmanship and bad sportsmanship in our class. The green boxes are good sportsmanship, and the orange boxes are bad sportsmanship. We also had to do another activity about a tennis player kicked out of the US open for one of our sportsmanship activities as well. 

It was hard to think of different things for good sportsmanship because we are all expected to do them. My favorite part was thinking of really dumb bad sportsmanship scenarios, like flying across a field instead of walking. To be BTB, I could have added more scenarios.

My 'Theme' activity for novel studies

This is my 'Theme' activity for my novel studies book. I had to explain what the author's message was through the book in my own words. I also had to explain what I learnt when I finished the book. Did you know that this is a true story? 

The hardest part was explaining what the author's message was through the book. To be BTB, I could have explained what the author's message was in more detail.

My 'Character' activity for novel studies

This is my character activity for my novel study book, 'My Brothers war'. I had to explain the feelings and places that were throughout the book in the climaxes, times, and moods.
The hardest part was describing the places because some words didn't really correctly describe them. To be BTB, I could have described the places in more detail, and the different moods better.

My "Plot" activity for Novel studies

This is my plot activity for my novel study, 'My Brothers war'. I had to retell the main events or the skeleton of the story. I also had to tell both sides of the book, Williams and Edmunds. It was hard to change from one side to the other. My favorite part of the activity was re-reading the bits of the story that were funny because they made me laugh. The hardest part was thinking of words to describe certain things in the story. To be BTB, I could have gone into more detail about the story.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Character Descriptions

This is my character activity for my novel study book, 'My Brothers war'. I had to explain the two main characters traits, which was easy because the whole book is about their different traits. They have really similar traits because they are brothers.

My favorite part was reading through the book again a bit to see how similar their traits were because there were bits where the two brothers did some things really similarly. The hardest part was thinking of some words to describe their traits because even though I knew what they were like, I couldn't find a word for that particular thing/feeling. To be BTB, I could have added more words or described the activity better.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

About the Lake Ohau fires

 This is my Lake Ohau fires drawing. We did a quiz about what had happened on the news recently, and Lake Ohau was mentioned. After the quiz, we had to make a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about the Lake Ohau fires. You could do a video as well, but I chose to do this. We had to include the five "W's" into our DLO. 

I found getting some information, like when the fire was put out hard because none of the articles I visited told me the information I wanted. My favorite part was looking into the stories of the residents of Lake Ohau village because they were all different. I got most of my information from one story in particular. To be BTB, I could have made it more different than all the other times I have done a drawing, and put in macrons for the "O" in "Ohau".

Friday, 4 September 2020

About David Hill

For Literacy Medals, we had to write about the author of the novel we were reading for Literacy Medals. It was hard because I didn't know much about him and there weren't many things I could find about him. My favourite part was looking at the book he had written because one of the books was called "The Games of Nanny Miro", and my name is Miro. To be BTB, I could have found out a bit more facts about him.

Monday, 31 August 2020

Word of the Week: Ascending!

This is the Word of the Week for this week. It is Ascending. It is a verb, and it means to climb up or get better. Its antonym is descending. 

My favorite part was finding a picture, because some of them were funny, like a courtroom, or someone in space. The hardest part was thinking of a sentence for the word. To be BTB, I could have elaborated a bit more on the sentence.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

My Brother's war: Activity one.

This is the first activity about the novel we are reading. We had to read the back, the sleeve if it had one and the cover to try and predict what the book would be about. The underlined text is what the book says. 

I enjoyed this activity because we got to try and guess what the book was about. It was fun because I might be horribly wrong. The hardest part was actually writing down what I thought it might be about because I can't write what the book already says. To be BTB, I could have made it a bit clearer.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

The New Zealand Wars Timeline

This week and last week we have been doing a timeline about the New Zealand Wars. It was very hard because I had to put in the macrons and correct spelling in Mฤori. Some of the spelling and macrons are probably still not correct. Sorry. My favorite part was putting in the backgrounds and layouts. To be BTB, I could have put in the whole timeline all the way to where we are now. 

Monday, 10 August 2020

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Word of the Week-Ominously

This is my Word of the Week. This week's word is Ominously. The teacher got it when she was reading our book 'The Lake of Tears".
I enjoyed finding the picture of the word because there were some really cool pictures. The hardest part was finding antonyms because I couldn't think of any.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Where the Mountain meets the Moon - Book report

This is my book report about 'Where the Mountain meets the Moon'. I had to do it for Literacy medals. I chose this book because I read it a lot and because it is a good book. I really like it. My favorite part of the activity was looking for pictures in the book because they are really cool. The hardest part of the activity was finding out the name for the wishing tree because I thought it was something totally different. To be BTB, I could have written more about why I liked the book.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Book review of Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes

This is my book review on Aru Shah and the tree of wishes. I had to do it for Literacy medals. I chose this book because I read it kind of recently and because it is a good book. I really liked it.
My favorite part of the activity was looking for pictures of the covers because there are three different covers for Aru Shah and the Song of Death. The hardest part of the activity was finding out the name for the wishing tree because I thought it was something totally different. To be BTB, I could have written more about the book and what it was about.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Precocious word of the week

This is my word of the week. The word was "Precocious".  
My favorite part was finding a good picture. Finding the picture was also the hardest part.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Climate change Information Report ๐Ÿ“œ

This is my Climate change information report. We read an article about it, then we had to write our own. This is mine.
My favorite part was writing it because I really don't like pollution and that type of stuff. The hardest part was writing lots of different parts, not just one or two. To be BTB, I could have explained what global warming was.

Climate change  

Climate change is here. Over the past century, it has been getting warmer and warmer. People kept ignoring it, so it became worse and worse. Now it is so bad that it is impossible to ignore. Climate change means more frequent storms and heat waves, and less glaciers and cold ecosystems. Now that climate change is here, it is going to change the world.

What is Climate change?

To understand climate change, you need to understand a lot of other things. Let’s start with the Greenhouse effect. The Greenhouse effect is basically when the atmosphere around the Earth acts as a greenhouse and traps all the heat and gases inside it, creating a warmer, more hazardous Earth. The gases that get trapped inside are called greenhouse gases. Some of the most important and destructive greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These gases have caused the planet to warm up at an alarming rate over the last century. You might ask why there is so much of these gases? Well, the answer is all around you. People are causing climate change.

What caused climate change?

Before the 1800s, people produced only a very small amount of greenhouse gases. This was because there were not many cars, or factories, and people used only little to no amounts of power. Then came something called the “Industrial Revolution”, where large factories were built, and cities around the world grew larger and larger rapidly. All of these activities required a lot of energy. This came from burning coal - a fossil fuel - which releases a lot of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Today, two centuries later, burning coal and other fossil fuels for electricity and transportation remains the single largest source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Deforestation is also a major problem. Burning forests to create space for farms and houses is now the world’s second-largest source of carbon dioxide outcharge. Forests also absorb tonnes of carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. Note - we breathe oxygen. Trees help to keep most of our carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases out of our atmosphere, lessening the impact of climate change. So, when we cut down trees, not only are we releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, we are also getting rid of our greenhouse gas containers.

How do we fix this problem?
Climate change is inevitable, like Thanos. But unlike Thanos, we can control and contain it. The amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere is already very high, but we can stop the amount going up by doing a lot of things, and not doing a lot of things. Something so simple as stopping and realizing what we are doing to the Planet helps a little. Even better, you could make others aware. One of the best ways to help is by teaching others and even yourself about what we’re doing and why stopping it is important. Another way to help is taking a bus or riding a bike instead of taking a car or a carbon dioxide producer to work or to school. You might think this doesn’t help at all, but if you do it enough, and convince more people to follow in your footsteps, it has more impact than you could imagine. Think of it as a tower of building blocks that say different things. You can either put blocks on, or take some off. You can also start a new tower. What we need to do is start a new tower that says “Stop Global warming and climate change” and take blocks off the tower that says “Use cars and lots of power, and cut down trees”. Right now, lots of people are trying to do this, and trying to convince others to actually do something to stop climate change, but it still isn’t enough. Sure, it helps a lot, but we still need to do more. By doing something as small as turning the lights off when you leave a room, or biking/walking to work or school, you are that “more”. By teaching others to do the same as you, you are making your impact on climate change and global warming.

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Orographic rain cycle animation

This is my Orographic rain animation that I did with Mrs. Read. We had to explain the Orographic rain cycle and put it into our own words. I made an animation because then I would be able to actually make a cycle.
My favorite part of the activity was creating the cycle and the different slides because I got to decorate the slide. The hardest part was writing the different parts of the cycle. To be BTB, I could have added more slides and explained the details a bit more.

Thursday, 4 June 2020

My "I am" poem๐Ÿ“œ

Today we made "I am" poems. We had to find 10 of our favorite phrases from our “Myself” poem and turn it into another poem by writing one short sentence about what was special to us about the phrases. The most special phrase to me was "I am my greenstone, protecting me from the sea.". It's special because I got my greenstone for my 10th birthday and it's supposed to protect me from getting drowned.

My favorite part of the activity was writing what was special about the phrases that I chose, even though it took a long time. The hardest part of the activity was actually choosing the phrases because there were lots of choices.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Myself Poem

This is my "Myself" poem. I had to brainstorm things from my childhood, or a specific time/place. I chose my entire childhood. Each sentence has a special meaning or memory to me, eg, “My little stuffed toy” is a stuffed bunny-rabbit called Rebecca. 

My favorite part of the activity was remembering things/quotes/actions that are important to me. 

Quiz about the Pleiades stars๐ŸŒŒ

For Literacy medals, we had to make a true or false quiz about the Pleiades with at 8-10 questions. My favorite part of making it was making false questions because I got to make up random questions. The hardest part was thinking of more true questions.

True or False?
There is more than one myth about the Pleiades cluster.

True or False?
There is a tale about the Pleiades called "The Seven Woman of the Heavens".

True or False?
You can't see the Pleiades from Taranaki.

True or False?
The Pleiades is a cluster, not a constellation.

True or False?
You can see the Pleiades stars from almost everywhere in the world.

True or False?
You sometimes see more than seven stars in the Pleiades. 

True or False?
There a Maori tale about the Pleiades.

True or False?
There is a star in the Pleiades called Plesite.
True or False?
It is possible to get to the Pleiades alive.
True or False?
The Pleiades are blue.  

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

What I learned about Matariki๐ŸŒŒ

This is my drawing about what I learned from the Matariki quiz I did on Monday. I got only one question wrong. It was really fun because quizzes are fun.
My favorite part was doing the quiz. It was really easy because you couldn't get anything wrong. To be BTB, I could have researched about the thing I learned.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Random artwork

This is my random artwork of the week. I used polyline to create it. All you have to do is drag polyline over the other lines, then when you have finished, you have to join your two starting lines together. It sounds really confusing, but it's not.
My favorite part was creating the different shapes. The most challenging part was making it all fit onto the google drawing. To be BTB (better than before,) I could have made more shapes, or written a bit more about it.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Dear past me...

This is my "Dear past me" writing. I had to plan for it before, then once I had planned for it, I had to use the planning to write my actual writing. It was really fun to write because it was like I was writing to the past me, telling them/me what to expect.
My favorite part was writing it. The hardest part was putting the writing into paragraphs and ordering it correctly. I didn't get all of my planning into my actual copy, but I got most of it and added a bit more. To be BTB, I could have written a bit more about what I did in lockdown, and gone into details.

Dear Past Me Planning ๐Ÿ“œ

This is my planning for my "Dear past me" writing. I had to answer the questions that were on drawing. Most of the answers are in my actual "Dear past me" writing now.
My favorite part of the activity was answering the "What did you do in lockdown" question because what I did was fun, and I actually interacted with other people. The most challenging part of the activity was finding out the exact time, day, date, and month that level 4 started. To be BTB,  I could have added more questions.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Three things I would change about the world

This is my writing on what I would change about the world. It was for my blog contract work. I had different ones at the start, but they were practically impossible and slightly dumb.
My favorite part of the activity was thinking of the ideas, no matter how impossible they were. It was hard to pick the three least impossible ideas because most of them were pretty impossible. To be BTB, I could have written a bit more about each of the things I would change.

Three things I would change about the world.

1. I would change it so that there were more electric cars than petrol cars. I would do this because, one, it would help the environment greatly, and two, because we wouldn’t have to keep ruining nature by mining for petrol. 

2. I would change it so that not as many people would be homeless. I’m not sure how I would achieve this, but I’d still try.

3. I would make it so that it was illegal to mistreat animals. This may already be a law, but I’m still doing it.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

My Biome Quiz

This is a quiz about biomes. You might want to look at the slide I made about biomes before completing this quiz. You can fill in this quiz a number of times.
My favorite part of making this quiz was writing down the questions because it was fun to make them up. The hardest part was writing down all of the options you could choose because there were lots of them. To be BTB, I could have written a few more questions.

The Six Biomes

This is my biome slide about each and every one of the different biome. Each biome has a slide. My favorite biome is grasslands because there are lots of animals. The grasslands would probably be one of the more dangerous in terms of animals as well.
My favorite part of the activity was watching the video and answering the questions because it was fun. It was hard to find a background for the "Tropical rainforest" slide because I couldn't find a background that was actually the tropical rainforest. The first one I found was actually in New Zealand. To be BTB, I could have wrote some more facts about biomes.

Area of Irregular shapes

This is my maths drawing for Wednesday. This week we are working on measurement. I had to find the area of all of the shapes. The hardest one was number 8. The rest of them were easier to figure out. The grey rectangles in the middle of 9 and 10 are holes.
My favorite part of the activity was figuring the area out. The hardest part was figuring out where to put the lines on number 8. To be BTB, I could have made the text easier to read.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

My labeled ecosystem

This is my ecosystem. I had to make it, then I had to take a picture and label it. I collected everything from around our house. The egg was from our fridge though.
It was hard to get the dirt and the grass because our lawn was mowed a few days ago and it was really short. It was also hard to get the water to stay in one place because it kept moving around. My favorite part was putting it all together because I could imagine an animal living in it. I caught a moth, but without a lid, it kept flying out, so I gave up on it. To be BTB, I could have made a stream with some sticks on the side to act as a river through the leaf forest.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Ecosystems and how humans are affecting them

This is my activity about ecosystems and how we are affecting them. I had to watch a video about ecosystems and how we are affecting them. Then I had to answer the questions on the google drawing. There was also a site about the Great Ocean Cleanup.
My favorite part of the activity was answering the questions and looking at the site about the Great Ocean Cleanup because I wanted to find out how they collected all of the rubbish. It wasn't really challenging to do much. To be BTB, I could have added a photo or two.

Friday, 8 May 2020

My Ocean Creature

Yesterday, we learned about the three regions of the ocean; the open ocean upper region, the open ocean upper region, and the intertidal region. Today we had to create our own creature in one of these regions. Then we had to write about them, like where they lived, what they ate, what ate them, things like that.
I enjoyed creating the animal because I like making stuff. The hardest part was thinking of what it was going to be a clash of. Instead of the seal, I was going to have a dinosaur that looked a bit like a Brontosaurus, but with flippers and a whale tail. To be BTB, I could have made my creature look a bit funkier, like have a Narwhal horn and maybe some Walrus tusks.

Common Multiples

This is my maths activity for Friday. I had to find out the common multiples for each of the pairs of numbers. If we had forgotten what common multiples were, we could watch the video.
I enjoyed making the background for this activity. Once I understood what it meant by "common multiples" it wasn't so hard. At first, I thought it meant "common multiples" meant the same as common factors, so I completed the task with the wrong idea. Luckily, Lucy and Miro kindly told me that I was wrong. I changed it slightly so that I had to find the first three common multiples, otherwise, I wouldn't have known what to look up to. To be BTB, I could have made the drawing more interesting, eg, put in some more common multiples.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Maths for Thursday

This is my maths activity for Thursday. We are working on factors to 100. Half of them were prime numbers, so they only had 2 factors. (One, and their own number.) If we didn't know what to do or had forgotten what factors were, we watched the video of the teacher explaining what factors were.
My favorite part was making the background. The hardest part was remembering all of 44's factors. To be BTB, I could have picked some more numbers then written down the factors for them.

Saltwater Ecosystems

This is my saltwater ecosystems drawing/graph. I had to watch a video on saltwater and freshwater ecosystems, then answer the questions. Once we had finished completing the question, we had to also take a quiz about saltwater ecosystems. It was really easy.
My favorite part was taking the quiz because it was kind of fun. The most challenging part was adding animals to each catagory because I couldn't remember them all and because there weren't many Benthos.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Jump Photos

This is my "extra for experts" work. I did the "Jump Photo's" activity. I took photos of Rewa jumping on our trampoline. Rewa was trying to look really, really happy. I think she succeeded. She always looks happy! I also have some photos of Bella jumping that I took a while ago on my camera. I will try to download them off my camera.
I enjoyed taking the photo's because photography is one of my hobbies. It wasn't hard to do much. To be BTB, I could have taken photos of Rewa in a funny position, eg, meditating.

My Possum Drawing

This is my possum drawing. I had to read an article about where possums originated, why they introduced them to New Zealand, and why they have become a pest. Then after I did that, I had to build or draw an ideal possum habitat. I went outside and collected some leaves, ferns, and branches. Then I stacked them against a rock. To be BTB, I could have added water.
My favorite part was building the possum habitat, but hardest part was taking a photo of it because I kept losing wifi. To be BTB, I could have been more creative in building my ideal possum habitat.

My Ecosystem

This is the picture of my ecosystem. It is my garden. You can't really see the labels though.
There are birds, trees, a garden patch with soil, a hedgehog, a fence, and more things.
I enjoyed drawing it because I like drawing things. The most challenging part was taking a photo of my drawing after I drew it. To be BTB, I could have used a black pen to write the words.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Ecosystems vocabulary slide

This is my ecosystem vocabulary slide. I had to explain what the words on the slide meant, then take pictures of them. I found it hard to take the pictures because Chromebooks aren't good at taking them and it was raining outside. My favorite part was looking around outside for birds. (I didn't find any). Next time, to be BTB, I could take better/more photos.

Maths for Tuesday

Today for maths I had to write down the square roots of the numbers and explain my working. There was a video explaining how to do it. I found the activity easy because I know my times-tables well and because yesterday we did an activity on squaring numbers. To be BTB, I could have explained my working better, like added division in.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Maths for Monday

This is my maths drawing for Monday. I had to square six numbers and write down the answers.
The hardest one to figure out was 14 x 14 because it was the biggest number. The easiest was 4 x 4 because it was the smallest number. I liked figuring out 14 x 14 because it was hard. Next time, to be BTB, I could have made it a bit more interesting, eg, add some more equations.

Friday, 1 May 2020

My Pet WordCloud

This is my WordCloud of my pets. I have pet fish. Their names are Comet (a Comet fish), and Angel (a Fantail fish). Comet is really fast and flighty, whereas Angel is still and calm. We have had Angel for two years, and Comet for a year and a half. Angel is the orange-and-white fish. She likes to rest on the bottom of the barrel. Comet is the bigger, orange fish. He likes to eat the algae off the side of the tank.
It was hard to take the photos because Comet kept moving into the wrong place. My favorite part was coloring the word cloud in. To be BTB, I could have said more about my fishes.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Korean New Year

Yesterday, we researched and wrote about the Chinese New Year. Today, we got to choose what New Year we want to research and write about. I chose the Korean New Year because I already knew a bit about it. My favorite part was researching about it because I got to see how Korean celebrate New Year. The hardest part was writing all of the facts down. To be BTB, I could have wrote more facts about different sub-topics.

Converting fractions to decimals.

Yesterday, we played a game about converting fractions to decimals. Today, we made a Google drawing about converting fractions to decimals.
My favorite part was making it look pretty and actually converting the fractions to decimals. The hardest part for me was pasting it onto a new blog post because it kept playing up. To be BTB, I could have added how I did the maths.

Thursday Maths

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

All about Chinese New Year Traditions

WALT: write about the Chinese new year traditions.
First, we researched about the Chinese new year traditions then wrote facts about them. My favorite part was researching the traditions. The hardest part was writing the facts down in my own words. Next time, to be BTB, I could have added more information about different topics.


Friday, 24 April 2020

What's your star sign?

This is a slide on all of the star signs. I am a Capricorn. I made it with Miro G, Lucy, and the help of the Internet.
It was hard to find information. My favorite part was finding the Capricorn facts. To be BTB, we could have made it prettier or put more facts.

Maths activity for today

This is the maths activity for today. I covered up all of the even numbers.
It was hard to write down paths through the numbers because I kept forgetting them.
My favorite part was drawing the paths at the end with polyline. To be BTB, I could have written down more paths.

WarriorCat quiz

This is my Blog Contract blog post. I chose to make a quiz. WarriorCats is a series of books. Comment what your cat is.
It was hard to find pictures of the cats; Hollyleaf is kinda brown. My favorite part was writing the descriptions for each cat. To be BTB, I could have somehow explained what a WarriorCat was.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

My Calender for the future

These are my dates for the future. I chose them because they are special to our family/me. It was hard to find a way to display my dates for the future. My favorite date is probably either the bonfire one or my birthday because we haven't done either in a while. To be BTB, I could have made it more clear to read because it is very blurry.