Thursday 14 May 2020

Three things I would change about the world

This is my writing on what I would change about the world. It was for my blog contract work. I had different ones at the start, but they were practically impossible and slightly dumb.
My favorite part of the activity was thinking of the ideas, no matter how impossible they were. It was hard to pick the three least impossible ideas because most of them were pretty impossible. To be BTB, I could have written a bit more about each of the things I would change.

Three things I would change about the world.

1. I would change it so that there were more electric cars than petrol cars. I would do this because, one, it would help the environment greatly, and two, because we wouldn’t have to keep ruining nature by mining for petrol. 

2. I would change it so that not as many people would be homeless. I’m not sure how I would achieve this, but I’d still try.

3. I would make it so that it was illegal to mistreat animals. This may already be a law, but I’m still doing it.


  1. Hi Miro I like how you would make more electric cars than petrol cars and i like how you,d make it illegal for animals not to be harmed.
    But you could try to write more not to much just a little more.

    1. Hi Roman! Thanks for you comment! Thank you also for you feedback on how much I should have written. Do you agree with me on my three things? Thanks again!

  2. Hi Miro what nice work you have got I have seen your video it was cool and keep up the good work Lailani.

    1. Hi Lailani! Thanks for you comment!

    2. Hi Lailani! Thanks for your comment!


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